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Al-‘Imran - سورة آل عمران

ﭑ ﭒ ﭓ ﭔ ﭕ ﭖ ﭗ ﭘ ﭙ ﭚ ﭛ ﭜ ﭝ ﭞ ﭟ ﭠ ﭡ ﭢ ﭣ ﭤ ﭥ ﭦ ﭧ ﭨ ﭩ ﭪ ﭫ ﭬ ﭭ ﭮ ﭯ ﭰ ﭱ ﭲ ﭳ ﭴ ﭵ ﭶ ﭷ ﭸ ﭹ ﭺ ﭻ ﭼ ﭽ ﭾ

Overall meaning : Allah, Glorified be He, states that neither the riches nor the children of the unbelievers will in the least protect them from His punishment. Instead, they will be doomed to the Fire, in which they will dwell forever. The wealth they spend will not benefit them in any way. Setting forth a parable for them, He states that their case is like that of someone who has planted some seeds, hoping they will yield an abundant crop, but such crop is suddenly struck by a freezing wind that destroys it completely, laying it waste and leaving him with nothing but unrewarded labour. Similarly, what the unbelievers spend will bear no fruit whatsoever. It is not Allah who does them wrong, but it is they who wrong themselves because of their unbelief and their keenness to put out the light of Allah.

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