| 2 Summary of Sira

Hijri Date: 53 BH

The scholars of biography and history have disagreed about the exact date of the Prophet’s birth, but they unanimously agreed that he was born on a
Monday during the Year of The Elephant. Ibn al-Qayyim said, “there is no difference of opinion on the fact that he was born in the middle of Makkah and that it was during the Year of the Elephant.” On the authority of Ibn ‘Abbaas, may Allah be well pleased with him and his father: “The Messenger of Allah ﷺ was born during the Year of the Elephant. “This is a fact that none of the scholars disagree upon. Khaleefah ibn Khayyaat, Ibn al-Jazzaar, Ibn Dihiyyah, and Ibn al-Jawzee all report that there is a consensus (on this fact). As for his birth on a Monday, it has been reported on the authority of Abee Qataadah al-Ansaaree, may Allah be well pleased with him, that: “He ﷺ was asked about fasting on Mondays, and he responded: “that is the day on which I was born, the day on which I was sent on my mission as a Messenger-or the first day on which I received revelation.” Ibn Katheer said: “those who claim that he was born on a Friday, the 17th of Rabee’ al-Awwaal, have greatly erred.”

The point of disagreement has been on the exact month and its exact day. Ibn Ishaaq has narrated on the authority of several of the Companions of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ that they said to him: “O Messenger of Allah! tell us about yourself.” He ﷺ then responded: “I am the prayer of my father [Prophet] Ibraaheem, and the glad tidings from Jesus. When my mother gave birth to me, she saw there was light protruding from her which illuminated the palaces of Al-Shaam.” Al-Albaanee has said: “the chain of narrators for that report is very good and strong.”

His birth ﷺ was after the death of his father Abdullah and while he was still in the womb of his mother, and so the Prophet ﷺ grew-up as an orphan. Furthermore, his birth was in the house of Abee Taalib in the district of Banee Haashim.

Hijri Date: 49 BH

On the authority of Anas ibn Maalik, it is reported that “Jibreel came to the Messenger of Allah ﷺ while he was playing with the other little boys, and he put him on the ground and then proceeded to split open his chest near his heart. He then took out his heart and removed from it a small piece of flesh. Jibreel then said: “this is what Satan would have used to get a hold of you (i.e., Allah removed from any possibility that he could ever be influenced by the devil in any way shape or form).” Then he washed (the heart) in a small bowl made of gold and with Zamzam water. Then he placed the heart back, stitched him and placed him back where he was playing. The other boys had run back to their mother-who was his wet nurse-and said to her: “Muhammad has been killed!” When he came back to them, his face and skin were pale.” Anas then said: “I remember seeing the scars of the stiches on his chest.”

Hijri Date: 48 BH

When the Messenger of Allah ﷺ reached the age of 6, his mother the noblewoman Aaminah bint Wahb took him to visit his maternal uncles from the Banee ‘Addee ibn al-Najjaar. With him was his wetnurse, Umm Ayman, may Allah be well pleased with her, and they were riding on two different she-camels. His mother alighted with him within the territory of the tribe of al-Naabighah, near where his father-Abdullah ibn ‘Abd’ul-Muttalib was buried.

She stayed there with her maternal uncles for a month, then she returned with him to Makkah. While they were on their journey back, his mother ﷺ passed away and Umm Ayman (whose name was Barakah bint Tha’labah ibn Hisn) was the one who completed the journey back to Makkah with him ﷺ. Umm Ayman loved the Prophet ﷺ very much and should took extremely good care of him. She enveloped him in her love and protection. In return, the Prophet ﷺ showed the utmost loyalty and reverence, and was extremely gracious to her. When the Prophet ﷺ grew older, he set her free. Then Zayd ibn Haarithah married her, may Allah be well pleased with him; she gave birth to Usaamah ibn Zayd, may Allah be well pleased with her and him.

Umm Ayman, may Allah be well pleased with her, passed away five months after the death of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ.

Hijri Date: 48 BH

When the mother of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ the noblewoman, Aaminah bint Wahb, passed away, at the age of six, he was passed into the care of his grandfather Abdul-Mutallab ibn Haashim. He was a noble and honorable man amongst his people. Quraysh had nicknamed him “al-Fadl” because of how forgiving and graceful he was. He was appointed responsibility of feeding and protecting the pilgrims to Makkah after the death of his father, Haashim ibn Abd Manaaf. ‘Abdul-Muttalib loved his grandson, Muhammad, very dearly, and preferred him over all of his other children. He showed more compassion to him than to his own sons.

Ibn Ishaaq has said: “The Messenger of Allah ﷺ was with his grandfather, Abdul-Mutallab ibn Haashim after the death of his mother, Aaminah bint Wahb. He used to place a mattress in the shade of the Ka’bah. His sons would sit around it and would wait for him to come out to them. No one would sit on it out of their reverence for him. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ would come out when he was a young boy who was healthy and strong, and he would sit on his grandfather’s mattress, but his uncles would grab the tails of his turban and yank it to stop him from doing so. If Abdul-Mutallab saw that he would say: “leave my son, for by Allah he has a great matter in his future.” He would then let him sit with him on his mattress, he would stroke his back with his hand and would be pleased with whatever he did.”

Abdul-Mutallab would never eat except that he would say: “My son!” And he would then give him to eat. When death was upon him, he counseled Aboo Taalib to take care of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ and to protect him.

Hijri Date: 46 BH

When Messenger of Allah ﷺ reached eight years old, his grandfather passed away, and he was entrusted into the care of his uncle Aboo Taalib (the son of ‘Abdul-Muttalib). He was advised to take care of him and to protect him. The Prophet’s father ﷺ Abdullah, and Aboo Taalib, were from the same mother and therefore when Abdul-Mutallab passed away, responsibility for the Prophet ﷺ passed on to Aboo Taalib.

Ibn Sa’d and Ibn ‘Asaakir both related on the authority of Ibn ‘Abbaas, may Allah be well pleased with them both, as well others that they said: “when Abdul-Muttalib passed away, Aboo Taalib took the Messenger of Allah ﷺ so that he may be with him. Aboo Taalib loved him very dearly, more than any of his sons; he would only sleep when the Prophet ﷺ was by his side; and he made sure that he had food set aside for him, ﷺ. When the sons of Aboo Taalib would eat together or on their own, they made sure to never get completely full; and if the Messenger of Allah ﷺ ate with them, then they would eat until they had their fill. Whenever Aboo Taalib wanted to give them lunch or dinner he would say to them: “not until my son has arrived.” Then the Messenger of Allah ﷺ would come and they would sit and Aboo Taalib would give him from their food. If the Prophet ﷺ was not there he would not allow them to get full.

If there was milk, it was given to the children in a large drinking-bowl, and the Prophet ﷺ would drink first, then the other children would all drink from the same one, one after another (and be full). But if they drank by themselves (without the Prophet ﷺ) one bowl would never suffice. And Aboo Taalib would exclaim: “verily you are blessed!”

Hijri Date: 42 BH

When the Prophet ﷺ completed his twelfth year, his uncle, Aboo Taalib, took him on a trip to Al-Shaam for trade. When the caravan alighted at Busra, they passed by a monk there by the name of Baheera; he was extremely well versed in the Gospel and Christianity as a whole. When Baheera saw the Prophet ﷺ he began to observe him and speak to him. Then he turned to Aboo Taalib and said to him: “Is this boy yours?” He responded: “He is my son.” Aboo Taalib would call him his son because of his deep love for him and because of how much he cared for him). Baheera then said: “This cannot be your son; it is not possible that this boy’s father still be alive.” Aboo Taalib then confessed that he was his brother’s son, to which Baheera then said: “What happened to his father then?” Aboo Taalib then said: “He died when his mother was still pregnant with him.” Baheera then replied: “That’s right…go back with him to his country and keep him away from the Jews. I swear by Allah, that if they were to see him (and realize who he is, they will plot evil against him. That his boy is your brother’s son is a mighty thing indeed.” Aboo Taalib then hastily returned to Makkah.

Hijri Date: 39 BH

When the Messenger of Allah ﷺ was about 14 or 15 years of age, the war of al-Fijaar (The Sacrilegious War), occurred between Quraysh, its allies from amongst the tribes of Kinaanah, against the tribe of Banoo Qays ‘Aylaan. This incident is counted amongst the most momentous moments in Arab history (Ayyaam al-Arab).

The incident that sparked it was when ‘Urwaah al-Rahhaal ibn ‘Utbah ibn Rabee’a rented to al-Nu’maan ibn al-Mundhir a special container to use so that he could conduct some business buying and selling musk and similar products. So, al-Baraad ibn Qays (a member of the tribe of Banoo Damrah ibn Bakr ibn Abd Manaah ibn Kinaanah), said to him, “do you dare conduct business with other than the sons of Kinaanah?!?!” And he responded: “yes! And Everyone else!”

Then Urwah ibn al-Rahhaal exited the marketplace, and so did al-Baraad, who was then waiting for ‘Urwah to be distracted; such that when he was in the highest point of Tayman Dhee Zhilaal, ‘Urwah then became distracted. So, al-Barradh then ambushed and killed him in one of the sacred months; therefore, it became known as “The Sacrilegious War” due to committing a forbidden act in the Sacred Month.

Someone later came to Quraysh and said: “Al-Barraad has killed ‘Urwah in the marketplace at ‘Ukaazh during one of the sacred months. Upon hearing the news, they departed while the tribe of Banoo Hawwaazin had not realized it. Then the news had reached the tribe of Banoo Hawwaazin, and so they followed them until they caught up with them before they were able to reach the Haram, so they fought until night fell upon them. However, as they entered the Haram, the tribe of Banoo Hawaazin ceased fighting. Then the tribes met for several days after that, each tribe fighting with its allies. Every tribe from Quraysh and Kinaanah had someone leading them and likewise for the tribe of Banoo Qays.

The Messenger of Allah ﷺ witnessed some of the occurrences of this war, which was the Day of the Palm Tree (Yawm al-Nakhlah). He was 14 years old, while other reports say that he was 20, ﷺ.

After the tribes left, in Dhu’l-Qi’dah, there took place the Oath of the Righteous (Hilf al-Fudool) in which Quraysh swore that they would always help the oppressed. It took place after a man from Zabeed from the people of Yemen sold a product to a man from al-‘Aas ibn Waa’il al-Sahmee, but who was always being told that he would be paid later every time he asked to be paid. Aboo Qubays then stood on high ground and yelled out exclaiming the injustice that was committed to him. Then Quraysh swore their oath upheld justice; the Prophet ﷺ was present at the swearing of that oath.

Hijri Date: 33 BH

The Oath of the Righteous took place in one of the four sacred months of the Arab calendar. The various tribes of Quraysh were united around it: Banoo Haashim, Banoo Al-Muttalib, Asad ibn ‘Abd’ul-‘Uzzah ibn Kilaab, and Taym ibn Murrah. They gathered at the house of ‘Abdullah ibn Jud’aan al-Taymee because of his maturity and nobility. And so, they all swore and agreed that there would not be a single person ever oppressed in all of Makkah except that they would stand with them; and that they would fight against the oppressor until they returned what they had wrongfully taken.

The Messenger of Allah ﷺ was present at this oath and he said regarding it: “Verily I have witnessed in the house of Abdullah ibn Jud’aan, an oath that is more beloved to me than red she-camels. Were I to be called upon to fulfill that oath in Islam, I would not hesitate!” The very spirit of this oath negates the fanaticism of the time of Jaahiliyyah in which was overtaken by the spirit of excessive zeal for one’s clan and tribe.

It has been said that the cause of this oath that a man from Banoo Zubayd arrived in Makkah with his goods for sale. Al-‘Aas ibn Waa’il al-Sahmee then purchased them from him, however, he did not pay him for them. He then appealed for assistance from his allies from amongst the Banoo Abd’l-Daar, Banoo Makhzoom, Banoo Jumah, Banoo Sahm, and the Banoo ‘Adee, but none of them did much to help him.

The man from the Banoo Zubayd then climbed a mountain and began calling out to people, and exclaiming, reciting poetry that described his plight. Hearing this, al-Zubayr ibn al-Muttalib agreed with it and and then said this man has no one to protect him.” Everyone gathered and agreed to the oath that came to be known as the Oath of the Righteous (Hilf al-Fudool). Then they all stood and went to al-‘Aas ibn Waa’il and took from him the right of the man from Zubayd.

The reason it came to be known as the Oath of the Righteous is because three men from the tribe of Jurhu: al-Fadl ibn Fadaalah, Fadl ibn Wadaa’ah, and Fadl ibn al-Haarith had all previously agreed to this sort of oath before. When the oath that was being agreed upon by Quraysh began to resemble the oath of those three men from Jurhum, it took of the name of The Oath of al-Fudool.

Hijri Date: 28 BH

The scholars have disagreed about the age of the Prophet ﷺ and the age of Khadeeja, may Allah be well pleased with her, when they married. Some have said that he was 25, others that he was 27, others that he was 30, while others that he was older. As for the age of Khadeejah, the scholars have equally disagreed and said that she was between the ages of 35 and 40; while others have maintained that she was older. It has been narrated that when Khadeejah, may Allah be well pleased with her, had heard about the Prophet’s trustworthiness and noble character traits ﷺ her sister hired him and his partner (to conduct business for her). When they had completed their trip, he still had to pay them. His partner then began to demand payment and he said to the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ “Go, (and ask for payment).” But he responded: “No, you go, I am too shy to go.” Her sister said to his partner once: “Where is Muhammad? Why didn’t he come with you?” His partner responded to her: “I had told him to come but he claimed that he was too ashamed to do so.”

Khadeejah’s sister then mentioned all of this to her, and she said: “I have never seen a man with more respect and timidity, nor more virtue, nor more than Muhammad, ﷺ. As a result of this description, Khadeejah then began to feel something for him ﷺ,. So, she had someone sent to him (the messenger) to tell him: “go and speak to my father and ask him for my hand in marriage.” (The Prophet, ﷺ), then responded: “your father is a wealthy man, he would never agree…”. (The messenger) then relayed to him: “go and meet him, and speak to him, I will take care of everything else.” The Prophet ﷺ eventually married her, and she was a widow.

Hijri Date: 28 BH

When the Messenger of Allah ﷺ was 25 years old, he was already well-known in Makkah as “Al-Ameen” because of his impeccable character traits that found perfection in him. One day, his uncle Aboo Taalib said to him: “Oh nephew, I am a man without a great deal of wealth and times have become difficult for us, and the years have been cruel (as well). We do not own any wealth, nor do we conduct any trade. There is a caravan that is about to leave for Al-Shaam, and while I am fearful for your safety should you meet any (ill-intentioned) Jew, this is something that must be undertaken.”

Khadeejah bint Khuwaylid, may Allah be well pleased with her, was a noble and wealthy businesswoman, who would hire people to sell her goods in al-Shaam for her, and paid them extremely well. She would have a caravan just as Quraysh would. The honesty and the greatness of the Prophet’s trustworthiness ﷺ as well as his noble good character had reached Khadeejah, so she sent him to trade on her behalf. The Prophet ﷺ left Makkah with her servant-boy, Maysarah, heading to al-Shaam as the paternal uncles of the Prophet ﷺ kept asking the people of the caravans to look after him. When they arrived to al-Shaam, they headed to the marketplace of Busrah, and rested under a tree that was close to the hermitage of a monk named Nistoor whom Maysrah knew. He said to him: “Oh Maysarah, who is that beneath the tree?” Maysarah responded: “a man from Quraysh who came from the Sacred Precinct (al-Haram)”. The monk then said: “No man sits beneath that tree except that he is a Prophet.”

After the Messenger of Allah ﷺ sold all of his products, with which he had left Makkah, and bought other things which he had wanted to purchase, he rode on the next caravan that was on its way to Makkah, with Maysarah. When he arrived, he went to see Khadeejah to give her the money he had made from the sale of her goods, which had practically doubled. Maysarah then told her about what the monk had said about him, and what he had seen from the Prophet ﷺ. She (may Allah be well pleased with her) then suggested to the Prophet ﷺ that they should get married. She was from amongst the women of Quraysh who had the best of lineages, the most noble of character, and amongst the wealthiest. When she said that to the Messenger of Allah ﷺ he then told his paternal uncles. He then went out with his uncle, Hamza, until they arrived at the house of Khuwaylid ibn Asad and requested her hand in marriage.

The Prophet ﷺ married her and she was the first woman he ever married and did not marry any other until she passed away, may Allah be well pleased with her.

Hijri Date: 18 BH

On the authority of Mujaahid that his master told him that he was amongst the people who rebuilt the Ka’bah in the Time of Ignorance (before Islam). He said, “We were building until it came time to place the Black Stone back into its proper place, but no one could find it. Then it was seen in the middle of the other stones and stuck out like the head of a man, and it almost looked like the face of man was going to pear out of it. Then a man from one of the branches of Quraysh said: “We should place it back.” Then another said: “No we should”. Then they said: “nominate someone from amongst yourselves to decide for you.” At which point they said: “The first man to appear at the gate of the Haram; and then the Prophet appeared, ﷺ.” Then they said: “The Trustworthy has arrived.” They then asked him if he could place the stone back in its place, so he placed it in his cloak and then had someone from each branch of Quraysh raise it up until it was high enough for him ﷺ to place the stone back in its place.”

Hijri Date: 13 BH

When revelation first started to appear to the Prophet ﷺ it started off as visions in his dreams; his dreams would occur like the braking of dawn. Then seclusion became beloved to him ﷺ and he would seclude himself at the cave of Hiraa’ and worship [Allah] there all by himself. He ﷺ did this until Jibreel, peace be upon him, came to him while he was in the cave and revealed to him: {READ in the name of thy Sustainer, who has created; He created man out of a germ-cell! [96:3] Read – for Your Sustainer is the Most Bountiful One who has taught [man] the use of the pen; He taught man what he did not know! Nay, verily, man becomes grossly overweening} [Quran 96:1-6]. He ﷺ told his wife Khadeejah what had happened, who then told Waraqah ibn Nawfal, and he believed him. He then said: “this is The Archangel (al-Naamoos al-Akbar) that was sent to Prophet Moosaa. Then, revelation stopped coming for a while after this, and then Jibreel re-appeared to him sitting on a chair. The Prophet ﷺ became fearful and hurried back to his wife saying to her: {cover me! Cover me!”} Then Allah revealed to him: {O you, enveloped in a mantle, stand up and warn, and pronounce the greatness of your Lord, and purify your clothes, and keep away from filth} [Quran 74: 1-5]. This then was the beginning of his Prophethood and the command to convey the divine message to the people.

Hijri Date: 13 BH

Revelation stopped coming to the Messenger of Allah ﷺ for a time, such that it became very difficult for him to bear and saddened him deeply. Jibreel then came to him and revealed Surah- al-Duhaa in which his Lord swore that He did not leave him, and that He was the one who blessed him with what he ﷺ has. During the days in which revelation had stopped coming, the Prophet ﷺ was filled with melancholy and sadness, and he ﷺ was filled with shock and confusion.

Al-Bukhaaree records in his chapter on Dream Interpretation: “Revelation stopped coming [to the Prophet ﷺ] for a period of time. This saddened the Prophet ﷺ deeply, and grieved him so much that he ﷺ would take himself to the mountain tops in order to throw himself off. Every time he ﷺ would reach a summit and to jump, Jibreel would appear to him and say to him: “verily you are the Messenger of Allah!” And that would calm him down and he ﷺ would regain his composure, and he ﷺ would turn back. When revelation continued to be cut off from him, he ﷺ would return to the same state and return to the mountain tops where Jibreel would reappear to him and say the same as before. The withholding of revelation was supposed to be so that it would increase his longing for it and to remove the terror that he ﷺ had initially felt. Once that desire took hold firmly within him, and awaited the return of revelation, Allah blessed him with a second deluge of revelation.”

Hijri Date: 13 BH

The first person to have ever believed in Allah and His Messenger, was Khadeejah bint Khuwaylid, the Prophet’s wife (may Allah be pleased with her). Then it was Aboo Bakr, Ali ibn Abee Taalib, and Zayd ibn Haarithah, the bondsperson of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ.

Aboo Bakr was able to successfully call to Islam ‘Uthmaan ibn ‘Affaan, al-Zubayr ibn al-‘Awwaam, S’ad ibn Abee Waqqaas, Talhah ibn ‘Ubaydullah, and Abdurrahman ibn ‘Awf. Then Aboo ‘Ubaydah al-Jarraah, and Aboo Salmah ibn Abd’ul-Asad, ‘Uthmaan ibn Ma’thoom, then his brothers Qudaamah and Abdullah, then his son al-Saa’ib ibn Uthmaan ibn Ma’thoon, then Asmaa bint Abee Bakr al-Siddeeq, then ‘Aa’ishaa bint Abee Bakr al-Siddeeq while she was still young, entered Islam.

Then came Khaalid ibn Sa’eed ibn al-‘Aasee and his wife, Umniyyah bint Khalaf ibn Sa’aad al-Khuza’eeyyah; then Bilal accepted Islam, Ammaar ibn Yaaser, then his mother Summayyah. The next people to accept Islam were Suhayb ibn Sinaan al-Namaree better known as al-Roomee. Then ‘‘Amr ibn ‘Abasah al-Sulamee, then ‘Amr ibn Sa’eed ibn al-Aasee, then S’aeed ibn Zayd ibn Umar ‘Amr ibn Nufayl and his wife Faatimah bint al-Khattaab, the sister of Umar ibn al-Khattaab. Then came Umayr ibn Abee Waqqaas, Abdullah ibn Masood and his brother Utbah ibn Masood, then Saleet ibn ‘Amr al-Aamiree, Ayyaash ibn Abee Rabee’ah al-Makhzoomee and his wife Asmaa’ bint Salamah ibn Mukharrabah al-Tameemiyyah, Masood ibn Rabeeah ibn ‘Amr al-Qaree from Banoo al-Hoon ibn Khuzaymah, also known as al-Qaarah. Then Khunays ibn Hudhayfah ibn Qays ibn ‘Adee al-Sahmee, then Abdullah Jahhash al-Asadee.

The last of those to accept Islam early on in the Prophet’s mission, ﷺ are Ja’faar ibn Abee Taalib and his wife Asmaa’ bint ‘Umays, ‘Aamir ibn Rabee’ah al-‘Anzee, from the Banoo ‘Anz ibn Waa’il, one of the allies al-Khattaab ibn Nufayl, then Aboo Ahmad ibn Jahash al-‘Amaa, then Haatib ibn al-Haarith ibn Ma’mar al-Jumahee and his wife bint al-Mijallal al-Aamiriyyah, then Hattab ibn al-Haarith and his wife Fukayah Fukayhah bint Yasaar, and their brother Ma’mar ibn al Haarith ibn Ma’mar al-Jumahee. Then al-Muttalib ibn Azhar ibn Abd Awf al-Zuhree and his wife Ramlah ibn Abee Awf al-Sahmiyyah, then al-Nahhaam whose name was Nu’aym ibn Abdullah al-‘Adawee, then ‘Aamir ibn Fuhayrah the bondsman of Aboo Bakr al-Siddeeq, then Haatib ibn ‘Amr ibn Shams ibn Abdu Wudd al-‘Aamiree, the brother of Saleet ibn ‘‘Amr, and lastly Aboo Hudhayfah ibn Uthbah ibn Rabe’ah, and his name was Mihsham ibn Uthbah

Hijri Date: 9 BH

The first people to declare their Islam openly were seven: The Messenger of Allah ﷺ Aboo Bakr, ‘Ammar and his mother Sumayyah, Suhayb, Bilaal, and al-Miqdaad. As for the Messenger of Allah ﷺ Allah had protected him by means of his paternal uncle Aboo Taalib. As for Aboo Bakr, he was protected by his clan. The rest, however, were seized by the polytheists and dressed in plates or iron and left them to smolder in the sun.

Every single person that was seized (and tortured) gave in and said what (Quraysh) wanted to hear and deceived them (for they only said it outwardly but did not believe it inwardly), except for Bilal. He did not give in, he sacrificed himself for the sake of Allah the Mighty and Majestic. His people then despised him, and handed him over to the children, and he was paraded around the streets of Makkah; and he kept saying: “ONE! ONE!” Then they placed a rope around his neck and gave him to the small children to play with him until the rope had dug into his neck. Bilal belonged to some people from Banee Jumah. The person who exercised the worst kind of torture against him was Ummayyah ibn Khalaf, who would take him and leave him under the sun during the hottest part of the day, on his back in the plains of Makkah. Then he ordered that a large stone be placed on his chest, and Ummayyah said to him: “This is how you shall remain until you die, or you renege upon your belief in Muhammad, and you worship al-Lat and al-Uzza!” And all Bilal would say whilst he was under such extreme duress was: “ONE! ONE!” It was as if his trials and tribulations would only increase him in his faith. Aboo Bakr then felt an extreme amount of mercy towards him when he saw him one day, in these extreme circumstances. So, he paid his master a price for him and then set him free. He also purchased and set free six other people who were being tortured for their Islam.