Section IV: Golden and Silver Vessels

Firstly: Ruling of eating and drinking from golden and silver vessels
It is not permissible to eat or drink from golden or silver vessels, and this is by agreement of the four schools of jurisprudence.

Secondly: Ruling of using golden and silver vessels for other than eating and drinking
It is haram to use golden or silver vessels for any purposes, like containers for paint when painting, or for kohl when beautifying oneself, and any similar purposes. [42] This includes cutlery, like spoons, as well as goblets and other containers. This is by agreement of the four schools of jurisprudence.

Thirdly: Ruling of procuring [43] Procure here refers to obtaining with the intention of storing without usage, such as for decoration or the like. golden and silver vessels
It is haram to procure golden or silver vessels, and this is the position of the majority: Malikis, Shafi`is, and Hanbalis.

Fourthly: Ruling of purification from golden and silver vessels
Purification is valid if performed from golden or silver vessels while being haram, and this is by agreement of the four schools of jurisprudence.

Fifthly: Ruling of conjoining [44] Tadbib refers to a process whereby a metal strip is used to cover a crack or merge between two broken parts of a vessel. The part used for the merging is called a Dabbah. vessels using silver
It is permissible to use a little silver for merging parts of a vessel in the case of need, and this is the position of the majority: Hanafis, Shafi`is, and Hanbalis.

Sixthly: Ruling of conjoining vessels using gold
It is unconditionally haram to weld using gold, and this is the position of the majority: Malikis, Shafi`is, and Hanbalis.

Seventhly: Ruling of expensive vessels that are other than silver and gold
It is permissible to obtain and use expensive [45] Like those made from ruby, sapphire, topaz, and agate. vessels, even if for eating and drinking, as long as they are not made from gold or silver.